.SCM Update 2-19-99

I got a pretty cool .SCM from a viewer and it is named Look Out you should check it out for your self

Blizzard released the Map of the Week : Obsidian

The surface of Char can reach such extreme temperatures that mineral deposits become molten and form rivers of crystal that flow across the planet's surface. A recent application of space geodetic techniques to this phenomenon has measured the amount and spatial pattern of net vertical crustal deformation and shows that these rivers sometimes snake across the planetary mantle in this liquid state for months before finally hardening. Mineral laden pathways are then created and can be seen protruding from the obsidian landscape, serving as both landmarks and rich mining fields

Download it now! (91k)

Site Change Up/Stratagy Update 2-17-99

I added on the site a general section for the stratagies which will include hotkeys, general tactics, etc. I also made it to where the text changes color over a link when your mouse is over it, thx to a viewer who suggested it to me.

Stratagy Section Updated 2-14-99

More Stratagies and build orders where added for each race you can start viewing them here.